For today’s edition of Pornhub Insights, our dedicated team of statisticians are digging through the data in Illinois with a special focus on the Windy City. Recently we have been especially interested in these more focused type analyses which allow us to tease out data trends in a smaller geographical area, as we have just lately done for the State of New York. It’s fascinating to see how search trends and user demographics vary from one part of the country to another, and we’re at it again today. Let’s get started! Continue reading “Pornhub & Chicago”
Tag: Hockey
Pornhub & The Stanley Cup Playoffs 2015
For the third time in just 6 years, the Chicago Blackhawks have once again won the Stanley Cup. During one of the closest NHL finals of all time, Pornhub traffic was unsurprisingly quite affected during each of the respective games. As you’ve come to expect from us by now after our coverage of both the 2013 and 2014 Stanley Cup series, our devoted statisticians are back at it again today with a breakdown of the impressive traffic swings that occurred during this exciting series. Continue reading “Pornhub & The Stanley Cup Playoffs 2015”
2014 Stanley Cup Finals
The 2014 Stanley Cup finals have drawn to a close, so the Pornhub Statisticians stopped to take a look at how hockey viewership affected traffic to everyone’s favorite porn site. We’ve seen in the past that televised sports events like the 2014 Superbowl, the 2014 NBA Finals and the 2013 Stanley Cup can have a major effect on Pornhub traffic when fans choose tuning-in over turning-on (at least for a few hours).
Continue reading “2014 Stanley Cup Finals”
Pornhub & Canada
We’re back to take a deeper look into Canada’s porn data, analyzed by our highly trained team of statisticians. As the world’s biggest porn site, averages 35 million visitors each day and that almost equals the entire population of Canada! Right now it’s January, and that’s one of the coldest months of the year up North. It’s also the month that Canada spends the most time on Pornhub. Coincidence? As well, Mondays see the highest levels of traffic meaning Canadians, like many others worldwide, come to us after a long day’s work to release all that built up pressure.
Continue reading “Pornhub & Canada”