Hawaii on Alert

On Saturday January 13, residents all across Hawaii received a text message at 8:07am stating that a ballistic missile was on it’s way to their island and advised they should take shelter immediately. With international tensions currently at a high, it’s no surprise that the warning was taken very, very seriously. We can’t begin to imagine what would go through someone’s mind after reading that message, but based purely on the traffic numbers, it’s NOT to be watching porn (nsfw).

Based on real-time, per-minute pageviews, and compared to levels on the previous two Saturdays, our statisticians found a precipitous drop in traffic at 8:07am immediately after the warning was sent out. By 8:23am, traffic was a massive -77% below that of a typical Saturday. As residents were notified around 8:45 that the initial warning was sent in error, traffic began to return to normal and Hawaiians collectively breathed a sigh of relief. Those seeking further relief, headed back to Pornhub where pageviews surged +48% above typical levels at 9:01am.

Big Beautiful Data

For today’s installation of Pornhub Insights, our team of statisticians have paired up with Mic.com for a look at changing trends in body types. The concept of the ‘ideal body’ is one that has been quite fluid over the past centuries. When we look back at paintings dating to the Renaissance era, fuller figures are clearly revered and celebrated as beautiful subjects. Fast forward to the mid 1800’s and waists are being tightly cinched down to tiny sizes with corsets, a trend which has interestingly reemerged recently in the midst of the current Kardashian-endorsed waist training fad. On the other hand, 2015 has arguably been a major year for body positivity. Continue reading “Big Beautiful Data”

The Golden Age of Pornhub

The Pornhub statisticians are getting down with demographics once more, today focusing specifically on age. The data we’re about to present is truly some of the most fascinating we’ve amassed to date and sheds new light on notions of age and sexuality. As a special collaboration with our friends over at Vocativ, we’re coming at you today with the data to prove that age ain’t nothing but a number.
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Pornhub & Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day can actually be pretty fun, not to mention cost effective. While the paired off among us tend to traditionally, be it happily or begrudgingly, plan dinner dates or overspend on chocolates and roses to show our significant other that we really care and/or didn’t forget the Hallmark holiday to begin with, mid-February can give rise to some other interesting pastimes for those of us flying solo. The Pornhub statisticians took a look at how Pornhub users celebrated Valentine’s Day last year because self-love is the best kind of love! Let’s take a closer look.
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Boobs, Butts & Beyond

Are you a boob person or a butt person? The answer to this may be personal to some but is quite telling when examined within an international context. As a part of a special report with our friends over at 20 Minuten, today the Pornhub and Youporn statisticians have teamed up to take a look at which body parts are most lusted over in which parts of the world and as you’ll soon see, some very interesting trends emerge. For this exclusive report, the data represents the popularity of certain search results pulled from both Pornhub and Youporn’s anonymized data analytics, so let’s get started!
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Who Lasts the Longest?

Ever wonder how your lasting time compares to others around the world? The Pornhub statisticians have got you covered. As a part of a special collaboration with Gizmodo, we’ve got the dirt on the longest and shortest comings and goings on the world’s biggest porn site. The following infographic allows you to click through and see how long on average Porhub users around the world spend on the site by country and US state, as well as by city again on both the international and individual state levels. The data used was compiled over the Fall of 2014.
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