The United States – Nation Duration

Over the past year Pornhub Insights has released a plethora of data on the United States of America including the Top Search Terms in major cities, as well as posts comparing porn viewership in Red vs Blue States and even States with Gay Marriage. This time around, our friends at Mashable asked the Pornhub statisticians to update them on the state of the union. From East to West, North to South, what US states spend the most time on Pornhub, and when do they like to watch porn. Roughly 40% of Pornhub’s traffic comes from the good ol’ US of A, so we better get started crunching the numbers.

The Duration of the Nation – Time on Site

When Hawaii says aloha to Pornhub, they like to stick around. At 10 minutes and 49 seconds, Hawaiians spend more time per visit to Pornhub than any other state. Mississippi isn’t far behind though, at 10 minutes and 46 seconds.

The average visit time across the United States is 9 minutes and 53 seconds which is matched by the folks in Indiana. A few other Midwestern states are middle of the pack including Kansas (9:58), Iowa (9:54) and Wisconsin (9:49).

Click here to view the full sized map.
Click here to view the full sized map.

The graph also illustrates the difference in time spent watching Pornhub on Mobile devices versus PCs (which includes both desktop computers and tablets).


Arizona is the state which comes and goes the fastest. They spend (or should we say need) only 9 minutes and 12 seconds on Pornhub. Utah (9:21) and Nevada (9:24) are also at the bottom of our list.

Too Quick to Click – Pages Per Visit

With over a million free videos to watch, and thousands added per day, Pornhub has something for everyone. But some states take a bit more time deciding what video works best. Aloha Hawaii! You’re back again at the top of our list. Hawaiians look at 9.93 pages each time they visit Pornhub, well ahead of the nation’s average of 9.05 pages.

This time it’s West Virginia who matches the median of 9.05 pages. Arizona is once again back at the bottom of our list. Folks there only need 8.69 pages to find just the right video.

Click here to view the full sized map.
Click here to view the full sized map.

The following graph indicates the difference between pages viewed on Mobile devices and PCs. You might notice that page views on Mobile devices are higher than PCs, whereas the Time on Site chart indicated that more time is spent on PCs than Mobile.


Pause the Pornhub – Holiday Traffic Changes

We often see traffic to Pornhub drop during major events like the Superbowl and NHL playoffs. National holidays are no exception. Everyone needs a break, especially when they’re spending time with family and friends. We’re ok with your break, as long as you come back to visit us after!


Christmas saw a 22% drop in traffic compared to an average day, followed by an 18% drop on Thanksgiving and 14% on Independence Day. Some holidays see an increase in traffic to our site including the 7% jump we recorded on President’s Day.

Seasonal Satisfaction – Traffic Proportions

Some times of the year are more popular for watching porn. In the United States, Pornhub sees slightly more traffic in the Spring at 25.32% of the total. Summer has the least amount of traffic at 24.73%. Although the percentage change appears nominal, when you consider that Pornhub has nearly 37 million visitors each day, it can change traffic by hundreds of thousands of people.


On a monthly basis, January has the largest proportion of traffic at 8.73%. February appears to have the least traffic, however it has only 28 days compared to other months, so September‘s proportion of 7.95% is a more accurate comparison.


Thanks for taking a look. Stay tuned for more Pornhub Insights to come.

7 thoughts on “The United States – Nation Duration”

  1. You guys need to step it up a notch. Let’s see you take this up a peg from descriptives to inferential stats. Like: “People that search Pegging are 4 times more likely to upload user generated content” or perhaps how you can predict which city a person is jerking it in based on the search term they use to describe a dick.

    1. we are definitely planning on getting into more and more specific types of of stats – thanks for the suggestion and stay tuned!

  2. any updates for MLK 2016, I’m curious if there will be an increase in traffic for the site since in 2014 it was PLUS 5.1% in traffic.

  3. Again in 2015, more guys search for ‘Mature’ than ‘Anal’. Meanwhile, if you walk into any ad agency, you’re 20 times as likely to encounter an asshole than anyone who is middle-aged. The inescapable conclusion? Even the fucking porn industry is less ageist than the advertising industry!

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