For most people, Halloween is a day to step out of their normal routine and enjoy a bit of fantasy — which also happens to be a great reason to visit Pornhub on any day of the year. So it’s no surprise that fantasy and costume related searches increase drastically each October 31st. We’ve covered such changes on other holidays like Christmas, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving and Easter, so our statisticians jumped at the chance to dig up some spooky stats for Halloween.
Before we jump into sexy searches, let’s take a look at how Halloween affects traffic to Pornhub. Millennials aged 18-34 see an average amount of traffic during the day, but then begins to drop off around 4pm when it’s time to suit-up in costumes. Millennial traffic dips by 27% around 7pm when trick-or-treating is in full effect and remains below average until Midnight. When the costumes finally come off, traffic shoots 15% above average around 3am.
Traffic from visitors over the age of 35 is quite different on Halloween. Earlier in the day it’s up to 10% above average, with a dip of only 13% at 7pm. Traffic returns to normal after 9pm and remains average throughout the evening.
Traffic changes also vary between male and female visitors. Women are less likely to visit Pornhub on Halloween eve than men, with female traffic dropping by a massive 32% at 7pm, compared to a 26% drop for men. After midnight, women head back to Pornhub in droves, with a 30% increase in female traffic at 3am. Men are also more active at night, but only peaking by 12% at 3am compared to an average day.
As you would expect, many Halloween related searches increase on October 31st. Searches for “halloween sex” increase by 3369% above average levels, along with a 2582% increase in “trick or treat” searches and 1981% for “halloween”. We also see 1925% more interest in “costume fantasy” and 1254% growth in “costume orgy”. Some more creative terms that are popular on Halloween include “dirty maid” and “lesbian witch”.
While most of these stats are based on results from Halloween in 2016, our statisticians decided to look at some current “costume” and “cosplay” searches to see what might make good sexy costumes for Halloween 2017. Searches containing “teacher”, “maid” and “nurse” are consistently popular, along with “police” and “cop”, and any costumes involving “cat”, “kitty” or “kitten”. Superhero searches are a big hit — although we feel spandex should only be worn under ideal circumstances, and many popular video game characters are often searched with cosplay.
On October 31st of last year, searches containing “halloween” were up 1173% and remained higher than average through the first week of November.
“Costume” is a popular search on Pornhub year round, so an increase of 189% on October 31 makes it one of the top daily searches.
Different types of porn appeal to different people, so what some might consider “sexy”, others might find “scary”. But on Halloween day, searches containing “scary” are none the less up by over 200%.
When done right, dressing as a Zombie for Halloween can be both scary and sexy at the same time. In 2016, we found a 215% increase in searches containing “zombie” on October 31st, with much higher than average searches in the week before and after the holiday.
Searches containing “vampire” were also much more popular around Halloween, with a 170% increase on October 31st.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of Pornhub Insights. Happy Halloween, and we hope to see you on Pornhub when it’s time to jack-(off)-o-lantern your hallo-weenie!