Pornhub & Croatia

The Pornhub statisticians enjoyed their stint in Spain so much that they decided to head back to the Mediterranean, this time with our friends at for a look at how Croatia gets down with Pornhub. Boasting breathtaking coastlines and some of the most photographed sunsets in the world, Croatia also has some fascinating porn-related data which we’re gonna delve into right now!


In most countries we’ve surveyed, people tend to head to Pornhub in greater numbers as the work week begins to help take the edge off those grueling Mondays, then turn elsewhere for fun once the weekend comes. We’ve observed this trend in Brazil and Germany to name a few, with Croatia now joining the fold. Coming in at 51st place in terms of visitors to Pornhub, Croats hold it down with a respectable 8 minute and 17 second average time on site. This comes in almost a whole minute under the worldwide 9:16 average but Croatia finds itself in good company in terms of lasting power, with nearby Italy getting the job done in around 8:19 on average and India, 8:22. Croatia also comes close to the worldwide proportion of female viewership with their 24% matching Russia‘s and only exceeding the worldwide average by 1%.


Where this country really stands out, however, is when we look at their busiest time of day on the greatest site in the world. Whereas countries like the United Kingdom prefer to get freaky on Pornhub late night, Croats proudly do their thing in the middle of the day with the peak hours occurring between 2-4 pm. The YouPorn statisticians observed a similar trend in Italy as well, so we’ll chalk it up to it being a matter of escaping the scorching afternoon Mediterranean sun and finding refreshment in the form of free porn. Croatia also currently holds the world record for being home to the world’s smallest town, with a mere 23 inhabitants residing in Hum, but like it big when it comes to their porn as made evident by ‘Big Dick’ and ‘Big Tits’ coming in as the 4th and 7th most viewed categories in the country. Croatians also know that the best things in life improve with age as indicated by the MILF category proving to be the most viewed, followed by Mature in third.


We’ve noticed that in certain countries, a country capital’s average time on site tends to exceed that of the national average as seen in Chile where Santiago exceeds the Chilean average by 14 seconds and Croatian neighbor Hungary, where in Budapest they go for 16 seconds longer than the national average.


Croatia continues this trend, but just barely, as the city of Zagreb has a slim 3 second increase over the national 8:17 though the opposite appears to be true in the county of Zagreb, where visits to Pornhub are cut short by a considerable 42 seconds, marking the largest time on site difference in the country. To find out how this average varies regionally, click through the interactive heat map below!


As we’ve seen before in countries like Scotland among others, a country’s top searched term tends to be it’s own nationality. Croatia is no exception with ‘croatian’ coming in strong as the most searched term in the country, joined by ‘croatia’ at 9th place and ‘croatian amateur’ in 17th though both of these are beat out by ‘serbian’ in 8th place, likely because Serbia shares a border with Croatia and Serbs are the leading minority in the country in terms of population demographics. We have also seen this type of neighborly yearning in countries like Estonia, where searches for ‘russian’ proved to be quite popular, as well as in Chile where a high volume of searches for ‘argentina’ were observed.


As we saw earlier when looking at the country’s top viewed categories, Croatians definitely enjoy mature-themed porn. This is reinforced once again when we look to the top searched terms in the country which include ‘MILF,’ ‘mom,’ ‘step mom,’ ‘mature,’ and the crown jewel of all golden-age themed search terms, ‘granny’. In the drop down menu below, which incorporates both top searched terms and porn stars, we’re able to get an idea of what exactly is more popular in each of the country’s 4 major regions.

Though we were expecting to see some more bondage themed searches in the country credited with having invented the necktie, a favorite at-home BDSM prop for many, there are nonetheless some rather fascinating finds here. For one, Croats are seemingly more into porn stars than anything else as, across the board, MILF goddess ‘Lisa Ann‘ (NSFW) and everyone’s favorite porn-turned-reality star Kim Kardashian claim the top and second spots respectively, over other popular descriptors like ‘xxx’ or ‘croatian’. In fact, porn star names here occupy nearly 50% of the list in each region, so let’s hone in on how the hotties rank among themselves.


Again here we see Lisa Ann and Kim K claiming the two top spots, followed closely by the queen of anal herself Asa Akira (NSFW) in third. Internet sensation Mia Khalifa joins the ranks at a respectable 7th place but former playboy bunny and Mrs Hank Baskett herself, Kendra Wilkinson (NSFW), is who really catches our eye in 8th place as we haven’t seen her rank in other countries. Overall, it would appear that Croat tastes tend to be of the American variety as the list is vastly dominated by ladies from the good old US of A. This is perhaps just another indication of a happy relationship between Croatia and the US, the former having provided the latter with white stone from the Island of Brac to build the White House.


The holidays always tend  to throw a bit of a wrench in Pornhub traffic. As we observed in our 2014 Year in Review, the biggest dips tend to occur on New Years Eve and around Christmas. Internationally speaking, New Years Eve celebrations generally bring traffic rates down by 44%, whereas this plummets an additional 7% in Croatia with their 51% dip on December 31. We’ve seen these larger traffic dips on this date in other European countries as well such as Hungary and most of Scandinavia.


Christmas Day sends traffic down by a solid 37%, which is almost 20% lower than the international average of just -18%. Again, this higher number compares more similarly to the UK‘s 30% drop. Croats appear to not be overly concerned with practicing abstinence from self love on St-Stephen’s Day, as the holiday commemorated to the original martyr actually sees traffic increases of 10% rather than inspiring a sacrificing of some time on the best site in the world.


Last but not least we’ve got a breakdown of Croatian Pornhub traffic by platform. Croats aren’t overly into tablet technology when it comes to perusing Pornhub, as made evident by only 4% of traffic appearing to originate from this type of device. Rather, they tend to enjoy the best kind of personal time from the comfort of their PC’s, which takes us a significant 57% of traffic shares here, compared to the worldwide 44%. Mobile traffic in Croatia is 6% lower than that of the international average of 45% at 39%, though this does account for a good number of Croats taking their porn to go nonetheless.

That’s it for Croatia! Share your thoughts on this article, or feel free to let us know what you’d like to see covered on Pornhub Insights in the comments section below.

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