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  1. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Which is inadmissible in the court of law...will it be admissible in the court of public opinion?

    Two separate theories here:...

    Yes, in the court of public opinion it will lend credibility to her claim...until, the state-run leftist media takes it to new levels that will destroy all credibility in the court of public opinion.
  2. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Yes, legally it is worthless but priceless in public opinion. I wish that she had not tied her participation to his as her passing it would have put tremendous pressure on him and he would refuse and if pressed would lash out making him look even more guilty.
  3. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    She should have never made a public statement about it...just went and did it...then exposed it to the public.

    Like a jaw dropping bombshell on the left and the state-run leftist media...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    That is interesting. It would definitely seem more sincere. This way she gave Biden’s team time to spin it.
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Now you're learning.
  6. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    I have no idea if this happened or not. I’m more concerned about the fact that Ford was believed merely by allegation and that Reade is not. I also think that the people who pushed for Ford’s unsubstantiated claims have their feet put to the fire on why this is different!!
  7. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    No...no..no, Ford was not beleived.

    The state-run leftist media and the leftist Congressional members wanted to make it believable to the public...there is a difference.

    There was no way the state-run leftist media and the leftist Congressional members wanted another 'Constitutional Conservative' Justice on the bench, and at all costs they were going to shoot it down..
  8. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Ginsberg is extremely elderly and ill. I think that replacing her with a constitutional constructionist is at the heart of this get Trump and who cares about the collateral damage.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    If Trump gets re-elected, I am of the opinion that he will have the opportunity to appoint another Justice, lending to the fact that the Cavanaugh hearings will be nothing compared to what we will see come out of the Leftists and the state-run leftist media.

    Unless Trump appoints a female Justice.
  10. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    If Ginsberg died tomorrow the left would fight every attempt to replace her until after the election therefore leaving the court with an even split. Roosevelt tried to pack the court and if he is elected, and Ginsberg is replaced by a constructionist I’m sure Biden would try the same. The populists in the US are considered rabble and need a strong hand to keep them in check. This is what the Democrats believe but would never say in public. The public needs to be ruled by an elite because they can’t be trusted to make good decisions for themselves. Not even interesting historically as it is so common. The Great Chain Of Being is still firmly in place in Democratic politics!
  11. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Irrelevant....The GOP has the Majority in the Senate, the Senate confirms appointments, only requiring a majority vote to be confirmed.

    The best way for me to put this in real time perspectives are simple actually...

    Today's Democrats are equal to Old English Kings rule..where the citizenry are nothing more than 'subjects' not citizens of a sovereign nation....essentially ruling the entire world....(*King George*)

    While the GOP are more along the lines of endorsing an Independent Nation, establishing Individualism and god given rights....(*Founding Fathers*)
  12. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    The birds were singing at joes house yesterday .
  13. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade Provides Details of Her Alleged Sexual Assault – and They Are Ugly
    Posted at 11:30 am on May 8, 2020 by Sister Toldjah

    Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, speaks during a candidates forum at the 110th NAACP National Convention, Wednesday, July 24, 2019, in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
    My RedState colleague Nick Arama wrote yesterday about the first details that were revealed from Megyn Kelly’s soon-to-be-released full interview with Tara Reade, the former Joe Biden Senate staffer who in March accused him of a 1993 sexual assault.

    While Kelly hasn’t released the complete video yet (it reportedly will be forthcoming later today on her Twitter feed), the New York Post received an advance copy of the full interview and reported some of the disturbing details from it.

    According to the Post, Reade shared with Kelly some graphic details from Biden’s alleged attack, including what Reade claims he said during the alleged encounter (trigger warnings apply here):

    “So, he had one hand underneath my shirt, and the other had, I had a skirt on, and he went down my skirt and then went up and I remember I was up almost on my tippy toes.

    “When he went inside the skirt, he was talking to me at the same time, and he was leaning into me and I pulled this way away from his head.”

    As he kissed her neck, he asked in a whisper if she wanted to go somewhere else, she said.

    Although she can’t remember everything he said, she still remembers him saying: “I want to f–k you.”

    “He said it low and I was pushing away and I remember my knee hurting because he had opened my legs with his knee and our kneecaps clashed so I felt like a sharp pain.

    “His fingers were inside of my private area – my vagina – and there was no small talk, there was no precept, it was just sudden and it was happening like that.

    “He was saying those things to me and I was pulling away.”

    When she refused his advances and was “obviously just tensed up and frozen” Reade said Biden pulled back.

    More information is slowly beginning to come out that seems to corroborate at least some of Reade’s story, including the Larry King interview from 1993 where her late mother talked vaguely about an incident that happened between a “powerful Senator” and her daughter in 1993, and via family, friends, and former neighbors, and in court documents from a restraining order Reade filed against her ex-husband in 1996 where she mentioned alleged sexual harassment.

    Reade also told Kelly during the interview that she shouldn’t have to take a lie detector test to show she was telling the truth, but that she would if Biden agreed to take one, too.

    Stay tuned.
  14. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    What the Heck: Biden Steps in It Again During Chat With Andrew Yang
    Posted at 7:30 pm on May 11, 2020 by Nick Arama

    Vice President Joe Biden, participates in a Democratic presidential primary debate at CNN Studios, Sunday, March 15, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

    One often has to wonder, unfortunately, just exactly what is presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden saying? And sometimes the words he says are clear but you just wonder what the heck he was thinking?

    That second one was pretty much what we saw with the story we reported on earlier today. The New York Times claims Biden had said previously that he judged potential candidates like “calendar models.”

    Mr. Biden has likened running-mate evaluation to deciding among calendar models, with three broad categories (and outdated honorifics): Contenders can be a “Mr. August” (a shot of momentum in the summer), a “Mr. October” (a reliable and effective campaigner for the fall) or a “Mr. January” (a governing partner, politics notwithstanding).

    Alrighty, now. Can we say “binders of women,” sexism and probably not a good look when one is accused of sexual assault and inappropriate touching? But you know that media will give Biden a pass, despite throwing Mitt Romney under the bus on his innocuous comment and stomping on him multiple times. Just heaven help if a Republican had actually said this.

    Well, Joe has another one in the hopper today.

    He was having a chat with Andrew Yang, his former primary opponent when he put out another “what the heck” moment.

    Biden asked now what would Yang do for “planning now” for the end of the medical crisis for getting back to work, if he, Yang, were “the emperor right now, you’re running the show.” “What are the big ideas?” Biden asked.

    Zach Parkinson


    During a podcast released this morning, Joe Biden asked Andrew Yang what he would do if he was "emperor" right now



    First, we don’t have “emperors” in this country, what country does he think we’re in? Or is that how he perceives the job (a troubling thought)? We’ve already seen he thinks of picking VPs like calendar models. We’ve already seen how Barack Obama abused the office, treating it like a political fiefdom, so maybe this is consistent with that.

    Second, or he throwing that out there because Yang is of Chinese heritage? What the heck? One of things often missing in the criticisms of Biden recently is his past history of questionable racial comments, everything from how he described Obama – “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man” – to “put you all back in chains,” “slight Indian accent” and many other remarks.

    Third, if you’re only “planning now” for reopening and searching around for the “big ideas,” you’re way behind. Trump and the governors have been talking and working on this for some time. Biden is behind on virtually every issue and this is no different.

    Biden keeps trying to dress himself up as somehow important or relevant. But indeed in his case, “the Emperor” has no clothes and we all know better.
  15. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Biden campaign downplays Flynn 'unmasking' disclosures: 'All normal procedures were followed'
    By Morgan Phillips | Fox News

    The Biden campaign on Wednesday shrugged off the revelation that Joe Biden was one of a number of officials who purportedly sought to “unmask” Flynn, saying “all normal procedures were followed,” amid accusations from President Trump and his allies that then-President Obama and his top deputies targeted the incoming Trump administration.

    “These documents have absolutely nothing to do with any FBI investigation and they confirm that all normal procedures were followed -- any suggestion otherwise is a flat-out lie,” Biden spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement Wednesday. Biden himself hasn’t commented publicly; the candidate has gone over a month without giving a news conference.

    “It’s telling that these documents were selectively leaked by Republicans abusing their congressional powers to act as arms of the Trump campaign after having them provided by a partisan official installed for this very purpose,” Bates added. “The only people with questions to answer are Grenell, Sen. [Chuck] Grassley and Sen. [Ron] Johnson for their gross politicization of the intelligence process."

    Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell declassified and, on Wednesday, sent a list to several Republican senators containing names of those who sought to “unmask” Flynn in transcripts from surveillance of Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Grassley and Johnson were the ones who released the names to the public.

    Trump allies claimed Flynn was wrongly targeted, and have suggested high-level involvement in an effort to bring him down. Democrats, however, claimed the DOJ’s decision to abandon the case showed how it has become politicized.

    Both the DOJ and Grenell had been discussing these “unmasking” files, after Grenell appeared to have delivered those files to the department last week. There were some tensions between the two offices over who would actually pull the trigger to send them to the senators -- ultimately, the release came from Capitol Hill after Grenell sent lawmakers the files.

    The roster featured top-ranking figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden -- a detail already being raised by the Trump campaign in the bare-knuckle 2020 presidential race where Biden now has been the Democrats’ presumptive nominee.

    The list also included then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Obama’s then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

    Biden, during an interview with ABC News’ “Good Morning America,” initially said he knew nothing about the investigation into Flynn, before later correcting himself.

    “I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden initially said, calling the topic a “diversion” from the coronavirus pandemic.

    Host George Stephanopoulos, though, pressed Biden again, questioning whether he attended an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 5, 2017—during the presidential transition period—where Flynn apparently was discussed.

    “No, I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted,” Biden said. “I’m sorry.”

    “I was aware that there was—that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else ...”
  16. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Uh oh.
  17. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    What is of growing concern to me is not only the hypocrisy of the reactions to Ford vs Reade but the defense of it. It’s a weird disconnect. Many feminists say that they are sure Biden did it but he’s still better than Trump. The notion of selecting another candidate is unthinkable. The office of President is more important than one of nine on SCOTUS. But the left fought like hell on the SCOTUS issue and now ignore the Biden issue.

    And of even greater concern than that is the increasing call for these victims of sexual battery not to be questioned about it too much. No woman already traumatized by this should be forced to be revictimized by having to relive it they say. This is essentially guilt by allegation. US law is quite clear that those accused have a right to confront their accuser. (By the way, Ford’s interrogation revealed just exactly how weak her claims were.)

    The only exception to the accused rule is for children who have been victimized sexually. To extend this protection to women is to view them also as children. That is patronizing (pandering?) and I’m shocked that women are not outraged by this.
  18. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Rand Paul Calls for Obama Officials, Grenell to Testify: Unmasking Flynn an ‘Abuse of Power’ and Biden ‘in It up to His Eyeballs’
    Posted at 10:50 am on May 14, 2020 by Nick Arama

    Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks during a virtual Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions hearing, Tuesday, May 12, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Win McNamee/Pool via AP)

    After the information about the unmasking of Gen. Michael Flynn dropped on Wednesday, it was revealed that many of the top-level officials in the Obama Administration had been involved in unmasking including DNI James Clapper, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power (despite testifying that she did not recall unmasking Flynn), CIA head John Brennan, FBI head James Comey, and Obama Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.

    But there’s no doubt the biggest surprise in the list and the one that brought the most attention was that then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden was listed among the people requesting Flynn be unmasked. The timing also made it clear that it was likely about the phone call with the Russian Ambassador and the timing or the request also was on the same day that a story was written about the phone call in The Washington Post based on an illegal leak from the Obama Administration. Such a leak of classified information is potentially a felony.

    While unmasking is not illegal, unmasking for political purposes is and it’s certainly a troubling abuse of power if they are abusing their power to use it to go after a political opponent and then leak to the media in order to undermine the Trump team. We know that was what was done, that there was, in fact, an illegal leak to The Washington Post, so that the only question is which Obama officials were involved and how high up did it go. The troubling problem is because of the Jan. 5 meeting which involved both Obama and Biden, it looks like the effort against Flynn went to the top and the unmasking request by Obama’s Chief of Staff and Biden only reinforce that.

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called it an “abuse of power” and said that Biden had been “caught red-handed” eavesdropping on Flynn, Trump’s national security adviser. Paul called on the acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell to testify before the Senate as to the details of what transpired with regard to the requests.

    Robby Starbuck


    "Biden accessed the identity and the private conversation of a political opponent. There is no more clear violation of a politician using their office and abusing their office to go after a political opponent and I think he's caught red-handed here." [​IMG]


    “These rumors have been going around for years that Obama’s administration was abusing te power of unmasking, and this sounds like they were using it to go after a political opponent, which is a serious offense and should be investigated,” Paul said. “The fact that Vice President Biden is directly involved in the unmasking of a political opponent — think about it. You remember impeachment? They said the president was using the government to go after a political opponent? This is Vice President Biden using the spying powers of the U.S. to go after a political opponent and he is caught red-handed here… eavesdropping on a political opponent’s phone calls.”

    “Every reporter in the country needs to ask this legitimate question. They need to come out of hibernation and ask Vice President Biden, do we think it is a legitimate function of government to eavesdrop on political opponents, illegally unmask them and listen to their private conversation?”

    Paul also said he wanted to hear testimony from the Obama officials on the unmasking list including Comey and Clapper. He pointed out that each of these folks individually asked to unmask Flynn, some more than once, although not everyone asked for an unmasking after the call, so not all the requests were about the call.

    Paul called for hearings so that this never happens again. Paul said we now know Biden was “involved up to his eyeballs,” despite Biden’s denial of knowledge about anything involved in the effort against Flynn.

    The Hill


    Sen. Rand Paul: "We now know at the very least Vice President Biden was in this up to his eyeballs."


    “This is incredibly troubling and shocking, that the previous administration, under President Obama, under Vice President Biden’s specific instruction, was eavesdropping on an American — an American advisor to the next president,” Paul said. “If Vice President Biden and the president’s inner circle of advisors were all listening to a senior Trump advisor’s personal phone conversation, this would amount to a serious abuse of power. The only question remains is ‘What did President Obama know, and when did he know it?
  19. !Michael!

    !Michael! Porn Star

    Apr 9, 2013
    I have a sad feeling that this will just end up being a tempest in a tea cup.
  20. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Nolte: PBS Uncovers More Alleged Victims of Joe Biden’s Unwanted Touching
    Gage Skidmore/Flickr
    JOHN NOLTE15 May 2020

    The far-left PBS NewHour interviewed 74 former Joe Biden staffers and uncovered even more women who claim to be victims of the former vice president’s unwanted and inappropriate touching.

    These alleged victims are in addition to Biden’s eight accusers and the female Secret Service agents who say Biden exposed himself to them (without their consent) while swimming in the nude almost daily.

    To the surprise of no one, however, even with these bombshell revelations, PBS still tries to exonerate Biden and attack Tara Reade — who has credibly accused Biden of a 1993 sexual assault — as a liar.

    PBS glosses over its own bombshell findings of further misconduct by Biden, and does so by way of an over-written, exhausting 3,500-word piece of “BenSmithing.” So what you have here is the taxpayer-funded welfare queens at PBS using new evidence of unwanted and inappropriate touching to smear an alleged assault victim who has seven pieces of corroborating evidence.

    To save you from having to read through PBS’s interminable piece of victim-shaming propaganda (that reads exactly like those 1990s media attacks on all of Bill Clinton’s victims), I went ahead and filtered out the real news in the piece, the actual bombshells PBS wrist-flicks to protect an alleged sexual predator because Orange Man Bad.

    We’ll start with my favorite…[emphasis added]

    Many former Biden staffers said they believe Reade’s allegation is false.

    Oh, nice spin.



    Ah, so the real news here is that not every former Biden staffer said they believe Reade’s allegation is false.

    Here’s the rest… [emphasis added]

    • Yet Biden, now the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, was also a toucher, seemingly oblivious to whether physical contact made some women uncomfortable.
    • “We knew that about Biden,” Byrne said. “He was always massaging somebody’s shoulders. But never anything more than that. There was no vibe about him.”
    • However, staffers agree it was not in Biden’s nature to gauge social signals about whether someone wanted to be hugged or touched.
    • A former staffer said that when Biden does things like stroking women’s hair, there’s a complicated dynamic at play.
    • For others, Biden’s touching evoked some regret. “There were times as I now look back that I think we messed up. We should have said something about that,” a different former staffer said. “We probably should have recognized that made people uncomfortable.”
    So what you have here — all in an effort to protect a powerful male Democrat — is PBS attempting to normalize his behavior, to say it was okay, even in 1993 — which, by the way, was two years after Anita Hill was supposed to have enlightened creeps like Rapey Joe about this kind of stuff.

    Listen, I’m 54 years old and I’ve been working since I was 14; never once have I stroked a coworker’s hair, never once have I sniffed a coworker’s hair, never once have I given a coworker an unwanted kiss — not on the lips, the cheek, or the back of the head. Not even during the pre-Anita Hill era I like to call the go-go 80s.

    In fact, in all the decades I’ve been in the workforce, in all the places I’ve worked, and all the people I’ve worked with, I don’t know of a single soul who has done any of the things Biden’s done for decades, and this especially includes what Biden’s done to children.

    I’m sorry, but Joe Biden is a sex creep, and no amount of wishcasting, BenSmithing, and rationalization from PBS welfare queens can change the basic fact that they just uncovered even more examples of a powerful man touching female subordinates inappropriately.

    And riddle me this, PBS welfare queens…

    If Biden’s touching wasn’t sexual or flirtatious, as you claim, why did he only stroke women’s hair; where are all the examples of the fellas he made uncomfortable with unwanted kissing and hair-stroking and sniffing?

    PBS rationalizing a powerful man engaging in unwanted fondling and caressing of his subordinates should worry every working woman in America, and anyone who cares for those women.

    The most egregious thing about this PBS piece, however, is its bright and shining lie of omission…

    PBS is so terrified of what might be found among Biden’s Senate papers — those papers Biden stashed away at the University of Delaware and is refusing anyone access to, that PBS did not even mention that fact, did not even mention that Biden is covering up the very papers that might hold the harassment complaint Reade says she filed — which would be her eighth piece of corroborating evidence.

    And do you want to know what eight pieces of corroborating evidence add up to? Eight more than Christine Blasey Serial Liar had, and look at how glowingly the PBS welfare queens wrote about her.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      “PBS welfare queens”?

      And you want what you post to have any credibility whatsoever? :rolleyes:
    2. CS natureboy
      LOL, the best is yet to come...;)
      CS natureboy, May 16, 2020
    3. Truthful 1
      PBS belongs to the Democrats , of course the would try to normalize this but pbs sucks . So no one even seen this . It’s a shame pbs was once pretty cool stations .
      Truthful 1, May 16, 2020
    4. Sanity_is_Relative
      Submissively remember the key word in this story is TOUCHING, even if the stories are true there is not one that has used the term sexual assault at any level. But seeing as that sooo many people are coming out and saying that Ms. Reade has made it by in life by lying, manipulating, exploiting, and overall using people, detailing how she would lie about running from an abusive husband and asking for breaks on rent, how she would take advantage of their kindness to beg for money, well the story is posted in the Do you believe Tara Reade thread.
      Sanity_is_Relative, May 16, 2020
    5. Truthful 1
      You people are so blind , Tara read didn’t just come forward. I won’t go into it , because. It’s useless . But I never fail to recognize. Your Ignorance
      Truthful 1, May 16, 2020